Anyway, fast forward to 2006 and I am merrily adding some "Friends" to Myspace when I spot someone else has a Tim Harries as a friend (this is where the whole networking thing comes in). So I add Tim Harries to my friends too (having established that this is one and the same guy from his profile).
Lo and behold, today I get a message from Tim himself (who would never have spotted me other than that I added him as a friend), which read as follows:
" At last, a song about a rabbit! Brightened up my day no end."
I was amazed that the Tim Harries had listened to Angel with Fur. I made a comment on his profile to say thanks and that I knew him from the Roy Castle album but had not heard much else of his.
He responded, "Now that was a long time ago! He was a great man. We have a dwarf lop who's a feisty miss but we love her to bits."
So, Tim Harries not only has heard my humble song and it has brightened up his day, he also owns his own bunny! Let's just say I am SOLD on Myspace and the possibilities it offers :-)
LOVE it! - "thats incredible curly!"
LOVE it! - "thats incredible curly!"
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