However, after stopping off to visit Simon's old friend Rachel in Aberdeen, we then made it to the rugged beauty of Gardenstown itself. It reminded me of Cornwall in some ways. Simon's cottage is in sight and sound of the roaring sea - a real isolated place in which to relax.
After sorting out a few things in the house, we drove to Peterhead for Simon to drop off a present to his goddaughter, then back into Aberdeen for food and a film. We ate at TGI Friday's, the first I had been to (but would recommend it highly), then watched The Good Shepherd. The movie was almost 3 hours long, and we didn't get out of the cinema until 11.20pm. With the requirement to go supermarket shopping immediately after, we didn't make it back to the cottage until 2.00am!
The next day, we started our return journey in the early afternoon, finally arriving in Edinburgh at 18:30. It was great to get away with one of my oldest friends.
Firstly, here is a video clip taken on my camera phone (unfortunately taken on the first, foggier, day)...
and secondly, here are a few pics documenting our trip:
What a place to live!
Simon by the beach
Night drive back from Aberdeen, with mandatory...
....Cherry Bakewells, of course!
Simon locks up the cottage for the return journey to Edinburgh